Monday, December 12, 2016

Developing Faith in the Universe

Having faith that everything will work out in life is a very difficult thing to accomplish.  No one can ever tell what is going to happen one hundred percent of the time.  All anyone can do is use his or her best judgment regarding each situation and hope everything falls into place.  The universe helps people obtain what they truly desire even if they cannot see it quite yet. 

Earlier this year, I was under a lot of pressure from my job and my father.  I worked about forty eight to fifty five hours a week doing call center work.  My father’s health had been declining rapidly since the end of last year.  He always wanted me to take care of him in some way shape or form.  The only problem with my father is that he gave up on himself and would not try to improve his health one bit.  I became so overwhelmed that a few teeth were pulled out of my mouth because they were rotten.  I stopped eating healthy during the month of June because I was too tired to make myself something to eat after I got home from work every day.  Both of my stress inducers stopped being an issue once my father went to the hospital and eventually passed away. 

My world changed the instant my father’s death occurred.  I was completely independent.  I no longer had anyone telling what I should be doing or how it should be done.  I no longer had to meet any type of quota regarding arbitrary numbers that fluctuate day in and day out.  I felt what it was like to be truly free for the first time in my life. 

Now I am facing housing and monetary difficulties.  I tend to worry more than I should about the whole ordeal, but I am learning to have faith that everything will work out at the proper time.  I am taking the steps necessary to keep my mind in the present moment while only planning a few days in advance.  This helps ensure that I do not entertain negative thoughts about a future that probably will not come to fruition. 

I have learned to pay attention to the minor events taking place on a daily basis.  I had an appointment to see an apartment a week ago.  When I got out a car, I saw that the handicap ramped was blocked.  I had to walk about fifteen feet at the other end of the sidewalk to find another ramp.  I went up to the entrance of the leasing office and saw that it did not have a railing by the steps.  I tried entering the building through the maintenance department, but the office was closed.  Some other person pulled up to the side of the curb and starting yelling to someone else inside of the leasing office.  With all of these minor events taking place, I figured that this particular apartment complex would not suit my needs.  I called an Uber driver and left the premises. 

The death of my father as well as my trip to the apartment complex helped me develop faith in the universe.  I have to believe that everything will work out for the best even if I cannot see what the final outcome will be.  I have to give myself credit for creating the reality that I want to experience.  As long as I keep living authentically, then I can have faith that things will work out in my favor. 

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