My rising sign is in Cancer. I have a lot of planetary relationships that involve both Mercury and Uranus. From a personality perspective, this indicates that I have fast intuitive mind. The major negative planetary relationships in my birth chart deal with the moon being in the second house. Because of my feelings towards material security, I tend not to believe in the talents that I possess within myself. My abilities remain underdeveloped, and I just end up floating through life by being co-dependent on others. If I could learn to get over my security issues, I might be able to teach others the hidden truths within the universe.
Communication is the strongest ability that I have developed at this current point in time. The three top career choices that might suit me would include writing, occult studies, and public speaking. I just need to stop second guessing myself all of the time. If I could build up more confidence in myself, then I could achieve anything that I put energy towards.
Now that I have found my purpose for being on this planet, I need to take the necessary steps to actually accomplish my goal. It is not always easy to fulfill one’s life purpose due to society always judging what is and is not socially acceptable. Then again, this is part of the challenge of following one’s heart. We came to this planet to change things for the better. If everything was perfect, there would have been no reason to have an existence on Earth.
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