Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Overview of My Experience Being Transgender

Being transgender can be quite a difficult thing to overcome.  Everything depends on the severity of dysphoria that is experience by an individual.  Things can get rather confusing when a person decides to make permanent changes to his or her life. 

Many people will hold onto doubts as they go through the process known as transition.  No one really knows how far he or she wants to go until well into transition itself.  I did not know I was transgender until about the age of sixteen or so.  I was happy wearing women’s clothes for a little while before my feelings really started to develop.  I remember staring at other girls in high school wondering why I wished I could be like them.  I was only into clothes, so why did I feel the need to be seen as a female in school.  I eventually started developing a female voice.  I decided to give up on this path in the mid-2000s because I was not sure I wanted to go through transition.  I then thought I could identify as genderless and be fine.  That did not last. 

I eventually began to feel worse and worse towards the beginning of the 2010s.  I decided to do something about my pain in May of 2011.  I started to develop a female sounding voice once more.  I stuck with it this time around.  I started hormones at the end of March in 2014.  I then started dressing as female, and got all of my documents changed during 2015.  I have not had any regrets regarding my decision to transition.  I have become a better person because I am living more authentically than I ever had before. 

I wish to share with the world my experiences being a transgender individual.  I hope to shed light on the details regarding transition.  I also want to give information on what it is like to live as a transgender individual after all the major changes have taken place. My journey has been full of surprises, and I would like to share the knowledge I have acquired throughout all my travels. 


  1. The quality that I admire most about a person is their authenticity. I am happy to know you Lauren and I totally support your transition. It takes a lot of guts to overcome adversity. You are an amazing person. I am very glad our paths have crossed. Keep on sharing your light!

  2. I try to do what I can. I have no idea if people actually read my posts all the way through, but hopefully this is reaching more people than I realize.
