Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Old Relationships Die Hard

Difficult times after a spiritual awakening will test one’s relationship with other people.  It will definitely make you rethink the people that you spend time with.  These people are not necessarily bad as a whole; they just have an indirect negative influence on an individual’s life.

A person such as this exists in my life in the form of a mother in law.  I am speaking of mother in law in the extended sense of the word.  She has been helping me find housing and inviting me to holiday gatherings after my father passed away.  It is great that my mother in law is trying to help me out during this trying time in my life, but her practicality is based around the life that I had before the spiritual awakening occurred.  A person cannot really explain a spiritual awakening to anther that has not gone through one him or herself.  Since there is nothing physically different with person that experienced this type of rebirth, it would be rather pointless trying to show another what changes have taken place. 

My mother in law tends to bring up my old job a lot of the time and always asks me when I am going to return to work.  I then have to put on an act and think of something on the spot about what troubles I am dealing with and when I could possibly go back.  Everyone needs to pay bills regardless of who they are.  I need some stable income right now to prove to renters that I can pay them for providing shelter.  The only catch is that if I get rattled over just spending a few hours with someone trying to back pedal to my old life, what is working my old job twelve hours a day going to feel like?  I feel like I have to choose which way I am going to be practical.  I can either value financial gain over the needs of my soul, or I can nourish my soul while ignoring the needs of my body.  The dilemma is difficult because no one else but me understands it.

When I got home from visiting my mother in law after Thanksgiving, I felt a lot anxiety after the event was over.  I felt the same anxiety after seeing a room for rent last night.  One could say that I need to face reality, but that would not be accurate.  The reality of this whole situation is that I am vastly different than I was before the spiritual awakening happened.  Since no one else understands what this means for me, then those who try to help out will gather resources that spring me back into my old life.  The room I saw last night was very similar to the home I am in now except the steps leading to the second floor.  This is also the problem.  If I choose to live in a place similar to what I already have, then I will just attract the same things from my pre-awakened life.  This time period should be about breaking my old ways and allowing room for something new come forward. 

When my issues are broken down to their smallest components, is it easy to see why I am having a hard time.  I do not have any relationships that are functioning on the post-awakened level.  All of my relationships still operate on a lower octave.  Once I start to form relationships with new people and attract new things into my life, then I will feel a lot better.  The episodes of anxiety that I am facing will no longer exist.                

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