Sunday, November 27, 2016

Finding Your Life Purpose

Finding one’s life purpose can seem rather difficult when he or she is trying to grow as an individual.  One needs to explore him or herself to a great degree before a calling of some sort can be found found.  I have come to realize what my own purpose in this world is due to examining the events of my life.  I also examined my brother’s life as order to see if I could figure out his main purpose for living as well.

Throughout all his life, my brother has always done something with his hands.  When my brother was eleven years of age, he built a guitar out of a K'nex construction set.  He then started playing a real guitar two years afterward.  When my brother first moved out of the house with his girlfriend at the time, he got a job as a construction worker.  Even if he did not like this particular job, it still falls in line with the rest of the events in his life.  Once my brother moved to York Pennsylvania, he got a job as a mechanic working on cars.  My brother then became a parts dealer after he stopped working as a mechanic.

The events in my brother’s life all seem very similar to a degree.  They all have to do with building something in some way shape or form.  My brother’s life purpose is to be a builder.  I am not necessarily saying that he should consider a career in architecture by any stretch of the word, but it is clear that his life purpose deals with something on a physical level using his hands to a great degree.

My life purpose is rather easy to see when one looks at the events that have taken place over the years.  I was born with a condition known as Cerebral Palsy.  Cerebral Palsy is a form of brain damage that happens at birth.  The damage to the brain  affected all four of my limbs  I went through a lot of surgeries when I was a toddler.  My physical development suffered quite a bit due to my condition.

  I have always had a sharp mind.  I played a lot of videos games as a child, and this is how I built up my memorization skills.  I memorized the movesets for characters in games such as Mortal Kombat 2, Killer Instinct, and Street Fighter 2.  I am sure memorizing the multiplication tables also helped me build my mental abilities.  Because I developed the ability to memorize patterns early in life, my mind is wired to remember a lot of things right off the bat even when I do not realize what I have gained on a conscious level.   
I always did well in school due to my good memory.  My mother thought that I was some kind of whiz kid because of how good I was at the basic multiplication tables.  It is interesting that I am terrible at remembering the rules for higher level of math, which include Algebra, and Geometry. 
I went off to community college, and then transferred to a university once I finished grade school.  I then got a job for an online website writing about video games.  After I left that position, I looked for work in a different field.  I scored a few temp jobs before becoming a call center representative.  I was hired by the company to put papers in folders for a meeting at the Baltimore Convention Center regarding gay rights.  In other words, these packets that I was putting together were made to bring awareness to issues surrounding those who are gay. 
My next temp job was at company called LearnItSystems.  The owners hired contractors to make sure that these portable hard drive devices worked for use by students with disabilities outside of the classroom.  The devices had educational programs on them to assist the students with homework.  
I finally got a job at the call center within BGE.  You could say that I "taught" the customers about their bill and other services, but that is giving the company too much credit.  That position feigns interest in the well-being of others from a utility standpoint.  The position at the call center helped me become more self-aware of who I was as a person. 
If a person looks at my life as a whole, one would say that I am "teacher" of some kind that was born to assist others reach their full potential.  The surgeries that I went  through taught the doctors more about my condition and how to treat it.  I have been teaching everyone my whole life about not judging a person by how he or she looks.  I spent a lot of my inside some of type of academic facility.  The part times jobs that I got from temp agencies leaned towards educating others about certain things.  The job at the Baltimore Convention Center was about teaching others about gay rights.  The job at LearnItSystems was about helping people with disabilities learn better through the use of technology.  These hard drives with programs were made to help teach students.  My job at the call center does not educate anyone about anything.  I did expand the awareness about who I was as an individual from working here, so I cannot say that this position is entirely negative.  If I never obtained the job at the call center, then I never would have found my calling in life.  Sometimes a person needs to go in the opposite direction of his or her path in life, so that he or she can correct present mistakes in order to live more fulfilled in the future.     
At the end of the day, a person's life purpose is not as difficult to find as it seems at first glance.  It is quite obvious what my brother should do with himself.  The same can be said for me as well. Confusion only arises when people try to fight what they are naturally inclined to do.  Once we all accept what we came to this Earth to accomplish, then things will fall into place. 


  1. Well said Lauren! Keep that torch shining bright!

  2. Hi,

    You are interesting as you know these deep truths. Yes, adding Spirituality to your life, improved it.

    My life matches yours in some ways. So we match on those lessons, that life is lived with purpose. We are here for others, and for ourselves perhaps.

    You seem to concentrate on the loftiness of serving others. Is there any better goal?

    In the end, Spirituality is about The Real God, or gods, if there is one or the other or both. And if God has our definition of God, then He/She/Both/Neither/?, is not only good, but loves us. Your Spirituality, has made you, or else you were born with some goodness and some love. If you were not born the way you are, then your spirituality is about The God or gods, and they are good and loving, because we do become like the people that we hang out with.

    Yes, Spirituality is hanging out. And the ones or one that you are hanging out with impresses me and you please me.

    LOVE, (a special kind)

    ...Mary Katie., .... .

    You impress and please me.

    1. I focus a good bit on serving others because everyone is a teacher of something, but he or she does not realize that. We all have the ability to make an impact on the world. No one has to sit around working at a dead end job forever. Everybody has something that they know how to do well. Most people think that they cannot make a living doing the thing that they love. I am not there yet either, but I do not think that this is true. How many people have actually tried to make a living doing what they love? Most people probably have not done so. My mother was good and crocheting and sewing, but she never tried to run a business out of the house. My father opened up a few businesses when he was living. His main pitfalls were that he hired other people on too quickly, and he never loved the work he did one hundred percent. My father started an internet cafe in the early 2000s before phones had worthwhile service. He shut it down in late 2004. My father then opened up a driving school in late 2005. That failed because I could not drive myself to college, and my father helped me out with that instead of having multiple classes a day at the school. His main love in life was fishing. He never took the initiative to do something in regards to that.

      My mother passed away at 55 years of age due to lung cancer. My father just passed away from heart failure last year at the age of 72. My brother works as a mechanic fixing cars and plays in two bands as a guitarist. I lost my job as a call center representative at the local power distributor in my area due to not being able to drive. I did not have anyone that could take me on a regular basis. Uber would have been too expensive to use all the time, and it would have taken four buses just for a fifteen minute ride by car. I do not want to become like my parents or brother. My father made a lot of money no question, but that is all he cared about. He did not care about his health hardly at all. My father had diabetes, two bum knees from playing sports, and then went through a quadruple bypass in 2004. My mother smoked cigarettes a lot, and my brother is barely part of his own family due to working all the time to make ends meat.

      I do not want to end up like the rest of my family and a great chunk of society. I have a gift to share with the world, but I need to find out how I can make an income doing that. Most jobs out there are either sales or customer service. I already lost a few teeth due to stress of doing customer service. My overall health started to go down even though I thought I felt fine previously. I need to make a major change in my life that will make me both happy and financially stable. I almost became like my father working the customer service job. Thankfully, the universe put an end to my own self destruction. The rest is up to me at this point. Thank you for response Mary Kate. I apologize for getting back to you so late. I had a teacher with the same name when I went to school at Mount Saint Mary's University. Keep pushing forward and stay EPIC!!!

  3. So true Lauren riley, bless you x
